Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Honduras ~ It Is Official

We have aged up!  I don't mean that we've gotten older (although we have) but that our interests have changed.  No bungee jumping or zip lines for us, not when we can spend our days up close and personal with the birds and butterflies.  How often do you get a chance to be kissed by a butterfly?

Copan is home to the Macaw Mountain Bird Sanctuary where around 200 birds have found a new life after being recused from owners that either neglected or abused them or could no longer care for their bird.  Even though I prefer to see birds in the wild this place is the aviary equivalent of the 4Seasons.... and they seemed to love our company.


We enjoyed watching the rescued birds at the Sanctuary and the wild Macaws at the Mayan ruins so much  that we hired the local bird expert Alex, to take us bird wathing in the mountains around Copan. Up and out at 5:00 AM we were on the trail  in time to hear and see the forest come alive. Amazing! I thought it would be easy to spot the large red Macaws in the wild but not so, they looked like all the other flowers on a trees until I looked closer. We saw flocks of bright green parrots that blended so well with the folarge that they were near impossible too see - until Alex pointed them out that is.  We had a great time and I think we'll be seeing a lot more birds as we travel through Central and South America.

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