Friday, May 8, 2009

"Khong an thit Cho!"

If you plan to visit Viet Nam this is an important phrase to memorize. "No eat meat Dog!"

In this culture dogs are not only a family pet, the home security system but they are also dinner. That's one way to avoid expensive vet bills just eat Fido. The farthest we could participate with this gruesome custom was to photograph it and share it with our soon to be diminishing blog fans.

One custom we did manage to enjoy is the ancient ritual of shopping and exchanging smiles and laughter with the tribal women .


  1. You're not even going to try a bite? Take memory road back to the last time a mean dog bit you, then get revenge.

    I had to think carefully before writing this. Fortunately, the only insect by which I have been bitten is the mosquito, and I wouldn't mind eating one of them. Stay away centipedes, I don't want to end up having to eat my own words.

  2. You guys look so happy in every picture. You reminded me of your mom in this pic, she's proud of you, you know. She would have loved to follow the blog, but who knows, she probably is following it anyway, it's Mother's Day soon, so I'm thinking about moms.
