Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The tooth fairy came last night and this morning I woke up with a new set of teeth……in my mouth. Yesterday's dental appointment went better than expected and after waiting 1 ½ years for my sinus lift and 14 implants to heal, I now have my new teeth. They look great and I’m very happy to be done wearing dentures. Unlike natural teeth there is no feeling in the crowns or implants so I now have to learn to chew again using the muscles in my jaw and face instead of my teeth to gauge the pressure necessary to eat. I left the doctors office with orders to eat, eat, eat! Finally, some doctors’ orders that will be fun to follow!


  1. Congratulations!

    If you hurry back you can eat all you want at Christine's birthday camping extravaganza in two weeks.

    Hey, that doesn't look like the Bangkok I remember from the '80's. Besides, where are the rioters we keep reading about in the news?

  2. Hooray!! Congratulations!! Great grin..
