Wednesday, April 15, 2009

State of Emergency-Bangkok

This time we were armed and ready.

The red shirts may have dispersed and gone home but the Aloha Shirts are still out in full force. In Thailand every movement must have the correct shirt.

Songkram is the Thai New Year and is ushered in with Aloha shirts, wet chalk, and plenty of water.

“According to Buddhist tradition this is the time for Thais to pay homage to Buddha images; to make merit, and in a show of respect to their elders to sprinkle water while lightly applying soft chalk to their faces.”

It is the most polite massive 3 day water fight we have ever experienced. Anyone anywhere is fair game for drenching and the heat is so palpable that everyone greets the spray with welcoming smiles. It’s especially shocking and refreshing when you’ve been soaked with ice water. Pick up trucks with water filled 50 gallon drums or bathtubs and crews of sharp shooters roam the city streets.

We didn’t think twice about grabbing our water guns and joining the fun. Three days (and nights) of getting splashed, sprayed, dumped and hosed with water. It wasn’t swimming but it’s wettest we’ve been since we left Maui.

Water fights will never be the same...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The tooth fairy came last night and this morning I woke up with a new set of teeth……in my mouth. Yesterday's dental appointment went better than expected and after waiting 1 ½ years for my sinus lift and 14 implants to heal, I now have my new teeth. They look great and I’m very happy to be done wearing dentures. Unlike natural teeth there is no feeling in the crowns or implants so I now have to learn to chew again using the muscles in my jaw and face instead of my teeth to gauge the pressure necessary to eat. I left the doctors office with orders to eat, eat, eat! Finally, some doctors’ orders that will be fun to follow!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lasting Memories

Here are a few lasting memories from our fabulous month at the tea plantation.

As visiting dignitaries we were asked to officially start the Pandalur District semi- final football game. Taking the honor quite seriously we showed up on time and found this sight. As it ends up, showing up on time was 2 hours early. The 'Good Luck' of our officiating start seemed to work because 'Mango Grove' won the game!

Our cook Vasu had hidden talents as a physical therapist in addition to being a great cooking teacher. Feel free to use this little video as a guide to assist you in making the Indian bread called Parotta.